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Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation's Youth by 
																	Mahmoud Bakhshi Moakhar

Mahmoud Bakhshi Moakhar

( Iranian, 1977 )

Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation's Youth




neon, aluminium, plastic and electric motor

Size Notes:

134 x 33 x 31 cm.


cette uvre est le numro un d'une dition de huit exemplaires de la srie The Industrial Revolution., neon, aluminium, plastic and electric motor, 52 6???8 x 13 x 12 2???8 in., Executed in 2008, this work is number one from an edition of eight from the Industrial Revolution series., ProvenanceGalerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, Acquis auprs de celle-ci en 2009ExhibitedParis, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Raad o Bargh, 17 Artists from Iran, fvrier-mars 2009 (illustr en couleurs au catalogue d'exposition pp. 25-26-27).Special notice This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collectiondetails.Post lot textuvre engage, Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nations Youth reprend le signe calligraphique stylis pour le mot Allah. Assemblage de quatre croissants et dune pe, il est le motif central du drapeau de lIran. Lartiste questionne, par lusage ironique de lemblme de la Rpublique islamique, linstrumentalisation de la figure du martyr par le pouvoir iranien. travers la recontextualisation, Mahmoud Bakhshi Moakhar tente de donner des rponses directes la situation sociale de son pays natal en cherchant des liens avec le pass historique de son pays. Ses travaux sont notamment exposs lEtemad Gallery et lAun Gallery de Thran, au Barbican Art Center de Londres, au Museum of New Art de Fribourg, et la Devi Art Foundation de New Delhi., , A committed work, Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation's Youth uses the stylised calligraphic sign for the word Allah. An assembly of four crescents and a sword, it is the central motif of the Iranian flag. The artist questions, through the ironic use of the emblem of the Islamic Republic, the instrumentalisation of the figure of the martyr by the Iranian authorities. Through recontextualisation, Mahmoud Bakhshi Moakhar tries to give direct answers to the social situation of his native country by seeking links with its historical past. His work has been exhibited at the Etemad Gallery and Aun Gallery in Tehran, the Barbican Art Center in London, the Museum of New Art in Freiburg, as well as the Devi Art Foundation in New Delhi




Paris, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Raad o Bargh, 17 Artists from Iran, fvrier-mars 2009 (illustr en couleurs au catalogue d'exposition pp. 25-26-27).


Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, ParisAcquis auprs de celle-ci en 2009



Max Beckmann

(German , b. 1884 - d. 1950)


Fernando Botero

( Colombian , b. 1932 )


Piero Manzoni

( Italian , b. 1933 - d. 1963 )



( Italian , b. 1697 - d. 1768 )


Pieter Brueghel

(Flemish , b. 1564 - d. 1637)


Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

( French , b. 1796 - d. 1875 )


Pablo Picasso

( Spanish , b. 1881 - d. 1973 )


Andy Warhol

( American , b. 1928 - d. 1987 )